triple dog irish whiskey chris gilliam

Chris Gilliam of Triple Dog Irish Whiskey

Let’s just get this out of the way up front: Chris Gilliam, the marketing master, co-founder, and CEO of Triple Dog Irish Whiskey, an Irish Whiskey from Dallas, Texas, only has one dog. Her name is Ruby, she’s an Australian Kelpie, and if you look at the striking canine silhouette on the Triple Dog label, that’s what she looks like. Lunching an Irish Whiskey out of Texas might seem like a wingnut idea and there’s no second part to that sentence. However, having that whiskey made in Ireland is a genius move resulting in a smooth, sippable whiskey that embodies all the elegant storytelling of the emerald isle with the bold fully American attitude of the longhorn state. Especially from a guy who didn’t start out loving a typical whiskey’s harsh burn. But Gilliam came around and more’s the better for it. Erin go horns.

What whiskey first made you say fuck yeah?

After steaks one night on a guys’ trip in Utah, we had an expert present a bourbon and whiskey tasting with about 20 brands. To me, Blanton’s Original Single Barrel stood out, likely because—as a newbie—I enjoyed the softer, slightly sweeter profile. In other words, I could drink it. That’s the idea behind Triple Dog. It’s a true Irish spirit, but different. We wanted to create a more approachable, drinkable Irish whiskey, one with character but without the harshness or rough edges and present it in a unique and interesting way. Something that would appeal to the next generation of whiskey enthusiasts while also satisfying more experienced palates.

If you weren’t working in whiskey, you’d probably be . . .

I’m not a distiller, just part of the Triple Dog team. But if I wasn’t doing this, I might be building and remodeling houses.

What’s a fucked up way you drink whiskey you probably wouldn’t tell anyone if you weren’t filling out this questionnaire?

While thinking if my daughter’s team happens to lose their last game, it might not be so bad to not have to go to that away tournament…

What’s a fucked up way someone you know drinks whiskey that makes you want to throw them off a cliff, and seriously, Jesus Hashtag Christ, why, Darryll? Why?

My friend Scott only drinks whiskey with Diet Coke, a habit for which he pays dearly within our group.

What song will get you onto the floor no matter what?

Give a quote from a movie you obsess over:

“It puts the whiskey in the basket…”

Besides making whiskey, what do you do right?

With the right tools, I can fix almost anything.

Sum up the essence of great whiskey with a single word.


Name three whiskies you don’t make that you love:

  • Blanton’s Single Barrel
  • Woodford Reserve Double Oaked
  • Lost Irish

Name a whiskey you think our readers never heard of.

Triple Dog Irish. We’re pretty new.

What are you reading?

Spreadsheets, mostly.

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